Monday, August 23, 2010


Random pic of the day. Fallen by picazam from flickr.

Honestly, there has been a lot of things that I have been neglecting lately, other than this blog that is.

Actually I have some friends that I have not been meeting up with as often as I used to. There used to be a group of friends who I used to hang out every single weekend with after I graduated. We were at the mamak stalls for every Friday, Saturday or Sunday night. I think that ritual lasted almost4 to 5 years. Friday night... mamak. Saturday night... mamak. Sunday night... mamak. Same mamak, same people every single weekend night. Almost.

But somehow, people just tend to move on. One of them got married, and we ended up seeing less and less of them. Another one of them got married, and it was the same thing. Until there was only a few of us left, and it wasn't such a big group anymore.

Even I have lately for the past year or more drifted out of the group. Got to know different groups of friends. Meet new people, go to new places. And suddenly I find out that weekends are full and you just don't make it to the mamak on Saturday night at 10pm anymore to watch your team play live on the LCD screen.

Also, since I got married and all, sometimes you just need to prioritise your time and activities as well. Me and my wife don't really spend that much quality time during the weekdays since both of us are working, and when we are home, she needs to study and I continue working. So most of the time, I usually decide that weekends, I just need to spend that time with my significant other. QUality time. Proper going out on dates and movies and such.

Actually a few weeks back, a friend from my group called up saying that we haven't been meeting up that often lately. We got the group together and had dinner. All of us again in one room. Talking crap. Like the good old days. Most of them are married. Some of them have kids. Some of them expecting kids.

But put together in a room with old friends, it feels like nothing has really changed.

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