Friday, January 09, 2004

Caffeine overdose gives you a splitting headache

The usual amount of caffeine that i usually consume in an average working day would be one cup of nescafe in the morning which i make the very moment i put all my stuff on to the table once i get in to work which i need to get me up and running to do work in the morning, and another hot cuppa' in the afternoon after lunch to negate the effect of all my blood going south-wards (towards the STOMACH!) to help my body process the amount of food i consume during lunch time. However, there's a new coffee machine brought in by one of 'em caffeine addicts which is constantly brewing out those rich, aromatic blend of jamaican (i think its from Jamaica, if i am not mistaken) coffee non-stop throughout the day. Now, considering the fact that the coffee machine is strategically located right next to the H2O dispenser, i find myself now constantly pouring that hot, steamy, black liquid into my mug rather than the ice cool plain water from the water dispenser.

Up til now, i think i had probably 3 cups in the morning and i have already had 2 cups after lunch, and i was already starting to get a tad bit dizzy already, and hence, now, 2 panadols and a glass of plain water later, i have decided to stop my caffeine intake for the day and wash all of it down with some cold plain water from now on. And from now on, no matter how large the temptation is for another cuppa', i shall limit myself to one in the morning and one in the afternoon.

Talking about coffee, i was talking to some friends of mine the other day about the way that they like their coffee served. Myself, i prefer mine with lots of sugar and lots of creamer, so that other than the effect of the caffeine itself, i also would get the extra boost of energy from the sugar itself (some people call it sugar high). Usually one mug of coffee used to come with 2 cubes of sugar and dollops of creamer, although nowadays, since i am trying to get myself a bit into shape, the amount of sugar has decreased to one cube instead.

My friends the other day, both of them, were telling me that they have their coffee without any sugar or cream, and i was like "What the ...? ". Actually, i am sure that there are loads of human beings out there that prefer to have their coffee this way, as one of my friends pointed out, that without any sugar and creamer, only then can you really taste the taste of the coffee, and hence, only then can you truly enjoy your consumption of the caffeinated beverage. Believe me, i have tried it before, having my coffee without any sugar or cream, and after one or two sips, and making a face like i just got stabbed in the stomach by a very blunt knife, in goes the sugar and cream. I dont know why, but all of the hot drinks that can be consumed with cream / milk, i would always prefer to have it with milk. Like my drinks at the mamak for instance, its always gonna be teh tarik, teh susu panas, kopi susu, and what nots. I just can't imagine my self drinking teh-o panas, or kopi-o panas, or nescafe-o (but i think i don't mind having milo-o). What's with my obsession with milk?

On a side note, a friend of mine forwarded me this link [] about this fella and his obsession with his cat annie. Absolutely hilarious, some of them. Check it out.

Anyway, gonna make a move now. Have a good weekend, anyone who's reading this.


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