Friday, September 17, 2010

So what does being Malaysian mean to you?

It's a belated Malaysia day post for me here. Mainly since I couldn't be arsed to log on and surf the net yesterday as, if I remember correctly, it was such a beautiful day yesterday. Sun was out shining. Birds chirping. It was such a good day to just, go out there and do something. Celebrate Malaysia day. Out side. In the sun. Malaysian weather at it's best.

Which was why I ended up waking at 12. In the afternoon. Missing out the whole morning.

But basically it was such an eventful, activity packed day yesterday. Woke up, and immediately went out for brunch with a friend of mine at a mamak store nearby. Some roti canais and teh tarik kurang manis to go with it is the perfect way to start your day. Either that, or some nasi lemak would have been good too. But roti canai is great anyway.

Went to visit a couple who just received a newborn. They decided to have lunch at their place and invite a few close friend over. They cooked some good briyani rice with some chicken and lamb, and added to that with some excellent dessert thing which I really do not know what it is, but was good nonetheless, and ended the whole meal with some Kopi Luwak from Indonesia. Yes, I am the type of person that does enjoy a good cup of coffee, and the Luwak coffee really does taste good. Would I pay that amount of money for a cup of coffee everyday? Probably not. A simple cup of nescafe is all i need every morning to get me up and running. But for those special moments, a cup of Luwak would definitely be an excellent choice.

Then after a quick photo session with the newborn, I quickly ran off to another friend's house for a Hari Raya open house for more food. Briyani, Laksa, satay, ketupat, lemang, rendang, ayam, kambing, daging, itik. You name it. You got it. Actually I really enjoy going to open houses like this. You actually get to bump into a lot of friends here, and I ended up hanging out and chit chatting, catching up with friends from primary school and secondary school who I have probably not really been keeping in touch with. Really good to know that they are all doing well in their lives. Before I new it, I probably ended up staying there for more than a couple of hours.

Which then lead me to meeting up with another group of mates at the SS2 hawker stalls. Again, catching up with friends (OK I am lying here. These friends I probably see them more than once a week, so I would not really call it catching up). Just plain talking crap and nonsense over some char kuay teow, some o-chien (is that how you spell it? the fried egg with oysters in them) and topping it off with a ramly burger daging special. The works.

At the end of the day, I was just too completely exhausted that I just completely crashed into bed and missed the Liverpool Steau Beaucharest match which was played at 3am here. (We won 4-1 by the way. Woo hoo!)

So. What does it mean to be Malaysian to me?

Exactly how I spent my Malaysia Day. Spending time with my close friends and family who are all Malaysians irregardless of race, doing what all Malaysian love to do. Being Malaysian.

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