Sunday, May 23, 2004

In the office on a Sunday afternoon

Yeah, suck doesn't it. Was called yesterday afternoon by an office number. Actually i wasn't particularly keen on picking up the phone, but i thought, what the hell. Now it seems that they are having some issues with the databases and needed me to come in to have a look at 'em so that it's up and ready for Monday morning. Sheesh. And i still can't figure out what on earth is wrong with this thing. Anyway, i would certainly HOPE that they are actually going to start using it tomorrow morning, but knowing the people i work with, they just ask you to get it done as soon as possible.

Like the other day, one of the managers wanted me to finish my stuff by Friday since it was "urgent" and supposedly "high priority". So there i was busting my ass working until late in the night trying to get it done. And yes, i did manage to finish it on time, and you know what happened? The fella took the stuff and put it aside and has not used it until TODAY.

These people just need a tight slap once in a while. If you know you dont REALLY need it that soon, why do you need to rush it to be done A.S.A.P?! I mean, if i knew that this would have happened i would have not pushed myself too hard and also there were some other bits and pieces that i wanted done instead. Oh well.

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