Tuesday, March 09, 2004

Covering your arse

I just do not understand how some people can work, and how they set their priorities! Some people I work with, I have come to realize just put so much emphasize on covering their hairy arse, it is just so darn unbelievable. My project team is currently working together with vendors from another company in this project, and you just CANNOT imagine how much effort is being put into covering their arses. Unbelievable.

Before we even commit to doing anything now, we would have an "internal" meeting and brainstorm ideas on how we can "CYA" in the future. Are all bases covered? What happens if this and that happens? Oh, we are covered there as well so we can point the finger to someone else? Have you sent a mail out to make sure there's a paper trail? So that it's documented somewhere for "proof" if needed in the future?

Oh my god?! Why can't people just trust each other to get on with the job and concentrate on more important matters, like actually delivering a quality deliverable for instance, or focusing our energies into finishing off the project faster, so that if we are done faster, the faster we can see tha back of those other people?!

Oh well, just have to accept that it's just the way that some people work. For me, i would like to think that if i just do my best and have faith and trust the people that i work with, it would all come good in the end. Is that a good way of doing work? Well, i think so. At least until it comes back and bites me in my "uncovered arse"!

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