Wow! It's three days in a row I have managed to post something on here! Absolutely amazing. Actually, I have spent the last 2 whole minutes studying my blogging behavioural pattern for the past year, and I can safely say that the that the frequency of my blog entries is inversely proportional with the amount of work that I have multiplied by the inverse of the laziness factor coefficient. OK. Yes. I am sick and I admit that I am on high drugs (prescribed) now and just waiting for my eyes to close.
Anyway, has anyone actually watched the TV show "Extreme Makeover" on, erm, don't actually remember which channel it was on last night. I actually caught it for the first time yesterday and actually I found it a bit disturbing that the show promotes the notion that you can be happy if you can make yourself look better. Now, I have no qualms about dressing yourself up in a different way, cutting your hair differently, or anything like that, but the fact that they went through cosmetic surgery. Now, I just feel that there's just something wrong with that, but I guess if thats what it takes to make them happy, then, as long as their happy, it's all good.
p/s - I must say that the girl actually turned out to be pretty decent at the end, if you know what I mean. ;)
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