Just a few quick mentions here. Found out that Dunc (the editor of Koptalk) has decided to make Koptalk News free again. Ha ha ha, knowing what a cheap bastard I am, this is certainly great news since this is one great place to get all the juicy news from Anfield, although it is highly recommended to take any of his transfer rumours with a tablespoon of salt.
Also, I have decided to change my commenting engine back to Haloscan since i just can't stand the need to log in everytime i need to add a comment. So, happy commenting y'all.
Another quick note as well, i still can't seem to get that beat from Vanilla Ice out of my head, thanks to this post by Sashi, reminding me of those days gone by. Darn.. Dum.. Dumm Dum Dum.. Oh well.
Oh yeah.. will be putting up another entry for my thoughts on the Liverpool game last night soon as well.
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