Hahey, havent updated this blog in ages. Just to update on what's been happening in the life of the braindead malaysian this past month or so.
First and foremost, I've finally quit my job. Although I was actually planning on taking a month or two off to just get myself some good 'ol R&R, but within a week or so of my resignation, i received a phone call from someone i was working with before, offering me a job. Considering it was a very tempting offer, i decided to take it, even with the requirement that I join them as soon as possible. SO, there went my one month vacation. Sheesh. I am such a workaholic. Good thing is, at my new place, i dont feel so stagnant anymore. I feel refreshed. I feel as though I am learning again. I get to move around a lot. I go and talk to people most of the time. RUn presentations. That means i dont have that much time to sit infront of my PC and surf the net and update my blog (yes... THAT'S my excuse.. HA HA), which is, in a way, good, since I do concentrate more on my work and feel so much more motivated nowadays. I guess this feeling must naturally come with change. Now, come to think of it, how come I didn't do this much earlier? Why did I subject myself to the excruciating feeling of being so demotivated and lifeless that I was just so not in the mood to work every day and just spent most of the day just surfing the net, and only reacting to what happens at work, instead of being more proactive. I guess its just the feeling of being in the comfort zone that was holding me back. The comfort of having a routine lifestyle (which wasn't really that healthy nor was it balanced) or just the feeling of "superiority" that I had at the job, where, being one of the more "senior" consultants, the sense of "power" that I had was just something that I probably felt difficult to let go. I know its crazy, but I guess thats what I thought. Oh well. Enough about that now. I have moved on to a very "young" company and I am the most junior person there is, which is an absolute change from what I am used to. I know that it's going to be difficult and challenging, but I am just happy that I feel like I look forward to going to work again, and that I am actually learning something totally new now, and also that I find that the hours of the day just flies by so quickly that by the time I get a chance to sit down and check my mail, its already 630pm and it's time to go home. That's also another advantage I see from my new job, which is the fact that I am very busy during the day, but at around 630-7pm, I can actually pack my bags and head for home. Much much better than the 8am to 11pm hours I was going through before this, because although I was working very long hours, if I were to compress the actual work that I used to do, I could probably get everything done within half a day, but the rest of the day was spent waiting for people to sort out their own shit first. At least now, for my time in the office, i spend most of it actually doing work, and I can go home early (ish) and wonder what to do for the rest of the night.
Welcome back, amigo!