OK, i am bored. Waiting for some people to come back and have a discussion with them, but they aren't anywhere in sight. I got this in my inbox, and thought to myself, oh well, why not. Here goes.
Write the first thing that comes into ur mind when u take the first glance of 'words' that are listed below...
Coffee - Steaming hot, freshly brewed, without sugar, no creamer... i need one of those NOW. Wouldn't mind a nice cold kopi-o ais as well.
Vanilla - Ice cream. Like the one you put on the brownies at rasta, or the one they put on your waffles at A&W, or a nice vanilla ice cream cone from McDonalds
Pink - I have a pink shirt that i had tailor made. Thought I'd be a bit daring and different. At the end of the day, I think me and pink shirts just don't mix, so i am back to my drab white, light blue tops and grey or black slacks colour combinations at work.
Josh hartnett - Who the f*ck is he / she? Is he the fella from Pearl Harbour? Oh my god, that movie just brings back bad BAD memories. Sitting a whole 3 hours plus having to watch through THAT melodramatic dross. At least Kate Beckinsale was hot.
Popcorn - Movies. Cinema. Which reminds me, i haven't been to the cinema in ages. Haven't watched I, robot and King Arthur yet. Did you know that pawagam is actually "Panggung Wayang Gambar" in short? Again, interesting, but useless information.
Summer - We dont have summers in Malaysia. However, summer was the time I looked forward to the most when I was in London, especially those time spent walking through and just hanging around Hyde Park watching the "sites" in my shorts and t-shirts. I miss that.
Moon - Werewolf, when it's full, that is.
Memories - Funny, the first thing that comes to mind for this is the musical CATS which i watched in London and also at Istana Budaya when it came to KL. One of the better musicals that I've been to.
Sushi - Saisaki, a place which I sadly have not been to in a while. I remember the days when i used to go there and just perpetually camp myself in front of the sashimi stall. Sashimi.. mmm..
Sorry - Seem's to be the hardest word? The song by Elton John. Blue as well.
Enemy - Everyone's got them. It's just a matter of how you handle them.
Dog - Lassie!! Lassie!!
Country - Malaysia
Cameras - I've been meaning to get a digital camera for a while already, but haven't gotten around to actually going around and, how shall we say it, "survey-ing" the shops.
Liars - Liar liar pants on fire. I try my best not to lie. Seriously.
Sean Paul - F*cking annoying. Can't stand listening to him mumbling out his stuff. Not my cup of tea.
WWF - The first thing that came to mind was wrestling. All that phony play acting and drama. I used to watch a lot of Hulk Hogan during my younger years. I just can't be bothered with it anymore nowadays. "WWF" also reminds me of a panda, from the World Wildlife Federation logo.
Jealousy - A trait that one of my ex-es had in abundance. Would prefer not to have it in future relationships. One question that girls ALWAYS like to ask is, "Would you be jealous if (insert action that would normally bring up some feelings of jealousy in a normal person, eg, started to go out with this guy "friend" of mine who tries to be nice in front of me but in actual fact the first thing on his mind is to get in my pants?)".
Bed - Sleep, which I wouldn't mind getting some now.
LOTR - The best trilogy I've watched in the cinema EVER, better than the Matrix trilogy and the Star Wars trilogy (Episodes 4,5 and 6, not the dross that we've been getting in Episodes 1 and 2)
aloha - Don't know why, but the first thing that comes to mind here is Jasmine Trias from American Idol fame. I know. Sounds dodgy. I am scared myself.
March - A month of the year which I don't seem to remember what I did through out it this year. It's been a relatively uneventful year so far.
Friendster - I have an account. Probably have like around 30 friends in my list and haven't checked there for a few months already. Some people on them are just plain sad, since they go around getting as many people added to their list as possible just for bragging rights. Sad.
Movies - Love 'Em. Especially watching them in cinemas. Malaysia make crap ones though, but I am sort of looking forward to watching Puteri Gunung Ledang. It has been hyped up so much that I have a funny feeling that it might just tank. I hope not.
Chocolate - Reese's peanut butter pieces.
Car - Need a new one. Have been driving mine for a while already and the thing seems to be falling apart. Just over the weekend, my front left signal light fell off out of the blue. Good 'ol Malaysian quality.
Raves - Not much of a rave fan. During my "hey days", used to hang out more at the R&B-ish sort of joints. Now, come to think of it, I still have no idea why on earth I spent so much time (and money) at those places. Sigh. I was one confused little boy then. No regrets though, since I did have a lot of fun there with my friends, and I have some of the best memories from that period of my life (and also some of the most gruesome ones as well).
Ok, actually there are probably around 20 more words in the list, but I just could not be bothered to write more, and some of them are just so darn lame as well. So i'll just stop here for now.
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