Thursday, June 03, 2004

Malaysia Hall London closes it's doors

I just read that they have officially closed down Malaysia Hall in London sometime early this week, (It was Tuesday if i am not mistaken) and Malaysia Hall has been moved to somewhere in Bayswater, to a more "economically viable" location. I read this news with mixed feelings since a lot of my memories of my five years in London and UK at one point of time or another does include Malaysia Hall. Like celebrating Hari Raya every year, by gathering in the freezing cold outside Malaysia Hall after the raya prayers there. The roads would be filled with Malaysians from all around UK, who travel all the way just to meet up with friends (and sometimes family). Or waking up on a Sunday morning and going all the way there to have your (overpriced, but what did we care) teh tarik and nasi lemak. Or, me and my friends going to pray Terawikh prayers there during fasting month so that we could have good Malaysian food cooked by the Malaysians who are staying and working in London which was served after the prayers. Malaysia Hall was the first place that i went to when i first reached London. It sad to see it's closing down it's doors now, but i guess they are moving to a better place with better facilities. Things will definitely be different in London the next time i go there, but what stays the same forever anyway.

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