I mean, the english football league is over. As the Milwall Lions fail to defeat the Devils last night, the sight of Roy Keane holding up the FA Cup marks the end of the English Football season. Usually on "odd numbered" years, that would mean finally having free time on weekend nights, not knowing what to do, and mindlessly going out and trying to have a life for once, since there isn't any live football matches on Saturday and Sunday nights to kill off the hours.
This year, however, being an "even numbered" year and all, means that there's at least going to be another major international football tournament to at least look forward to, and this year brings us the European Championships Euro 2004 in Portugal. I, as per normal, will be supporting my "Three Lions", all the way. And being the normal biased English football supporter that i am, i feel absolutely optimistic that this year might be the year that the English "Lions" actually have a decent chance of winning a major international trophy. However, as my more "feet on the ground" sort of mates would tell me, "There isn't a chance in HELL England are going to win this year". Oh well, we shall see.
I do agree with a lot of them that the squad does not really look too convincing. I mean, the strikers that are there aren't really banging them in on a regular basis, the central defense cover consists mainly of Jamie "Mr Versatility" Carragher, and Ledley "The next Sol Campbell" King, there STILL isn't a solution to the left hand midfield problem, we still have David "i'm losing my concentration due to excessive PS activity at night" James (Dont even get me started on the goalkeeping backups) as our first choice keeper, and Svennis has stated that he would most likely play Gerrard on the left of a diamond midfield. I mean, WTF?! What rubbish is that?
If i were the manager of the Ingerlund team ( I know, i wish, but i have successfully managed the Ingerlund team to the world cup finals in 2006 on CM4, does that count? No? ), i would scrap that diamond midfield rubbish and play with a flat midfield in a 4-4-2, with James as the keeper (best out of an bad bunch, or maybe Robinson), with Neville at right back (Gary!!!), Bridge at left back, and a central defensive pairing of Sol and Terry. In midfield, i'll kick Beckham out to the right wing where he belongs and where he can do the most damage with his crosses, Gerrard and Lampard in the center and Ashley Cole in the left wing role. Up fron, it can either be Owen and Rooney or Owen and Scholes, although i think i would prefer Rooney since Scholes has not been delivering for the English team for donkey years.
So there you have it, my England team, although knowing Sven i wouldnt be suprised if he played Heskey up front with Owen, and Butt in the "holding midfield" role in a "diamond midfield" formation. Anyway, gotta go back to work now. I need to plan my working schedule as well so that i can go home early whenever there's an England match playing. I think there are some that kick off at 5pm.
I know what you mean, man - Stevie G's gotta play in the centre to make the kind of impact England need to got all the way! What's he gonna do on the left? You know he'll have to drift in to the middle, and that'll just leave a gaping hole on that flank. I donno if Errikson has really thought through this one....
ReplyDeleteP.S. I guess I'm one up on ya - took my CM4 England team to victory in 1 World Cup and 2 European Champs... heh heh :D
But neither Lampard nor Gerrard are convincing when they have to stay back and play a holding role... Svenny will surely favour Nicky Butt for that.
ReplyDeleteOr maybe they should call Dennis Wise up to the squad...
Yeah, but with both Gerrard and Lampard, none of them has to play a "holding" midfield role. All they need to do is make sure that they are disciplined enough such that whenever one of them has gone up to support the attack, the other will stay back. And with a flat midfield, that would mean that the flanks would be less exposed as compared to a diamond midfield as well.