Najib as DPM. Yes. Pak Lah finally made up his mind and elected Najib as his deputy, and hence puts all the pieces into place for the "RAHMAN" rule to be completed. And now there is going to be a major reshuffle in the cabinet. It would be interesting to see who goes where and all the movement of all the ministers, if indeed there is any. The way i see it, Pak Lah had little choice of who he should take as his second man. My personal feeling is, that none of the candidates are outstanding, and by choosing Najib, as some people would say, it is more of he had no better choice rather than Najib being the best. Does that make sense? Probably not.
Mini iPod [] . I have always wanted an iPod. Imagine having 40GBs of space to store your entire music collection in a gizmo that would nicely fit the size of your pocket. The minipod only comes with 4GB of space but at a much more compact size. However, it isnt priced too cheap so i am not sure whether people would actually go out and buy one of these mini-ipods. One interesting thing is that one of the accessories that they sell is a arm band which you could use to strap it onto your arm, for the sportsmen wanabies out there. But the thing is, since it is still a hard drive based player, and not one of those solid state ones, it might not be too practical to bring the mini-pod with you for those early morning jogs around the houseing area (which i do intend to start doing before the end of this particular year, yes i do) since it might start to skip like nobodies business. Britney might start to sound like .. "opps i
I've finally finished the Hornby book, How to be Good [] that i have been reading these past few weeks. It is a really really good read and probably one of the best books i've read last year (and this year too, so far). I enjoyed Fever Pitch more, but like what a friend of mine said that it was a tad bit too dry for her, but How to be Good is definitely much easier to read although there weren't any "laugh out loud while almost crying" parts. Anyhow, i must say that the ending was, if i do have to be very very picky, a tad bit of a dissappointment. But still, the journey to the end was still makes up for it. Anyway, the next book i have on my plate is one from my dad's collection of "bought it but haven't had the time to read it" collection, Clash of Civilisations and Remaking of the World Order [] by Samuel P. Huntington. Don't know why but i've read a few pages in it and it does seem an intriguing read. Also i do fancy have a go at a non-fiction book for once, considering the fact that the last non-fiction piece or writing i have read would probably be my Advanced Digital Signal Processing textbook from my final years from university, which was probably around 4 years ago. Anyway, if i do get bored of it (which i think i would probably will), another book that has caught my eye on my last trip to my friendly neighbourhood "Kinokuniya" outlet in KLCC would be Vernon God Little [] by DBC Pierre. Was flipping through it the other day and it does seem like an interesting read as well, not considering the fucken this and fucken that written all over the book.
Anyhow, back to work. Need to start soon if i ever think of going back today. Later.
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