OK, during lunch time today, was wondering what i was gonna indulge myself in. Being based around the KLCC area, the options available to the lunch crowd are enormous. Then a colleague of mine suggested that we visit the food court on the 5th floor of Menara Citibank. He heard that there's a stall there that serves decent chapattis. Me, being the Indian food "hantu" that i am, quickly agreed, and we were quickly on our way walking along Jalan Ampang towards Citibank.
One thing i dont understand about the Menara Citibank food court is, at the ground floor, to get pass the security guard there, we need to take a piece of paper to "indicate" that we are going to the food court. A plain, yellow piece of paper with "Menara Citibank Food Court" stamped on it or something. And what do you do with it? Absolutely nothing. I mean, its not good enough just to tell the fella that we are going to the food court, we need to pick up the piece of paper in front of him and then only go past him. And then after that what are you to do with it? THey don't check for it when you leave, so you're left with this small piece of paper in your hands that is not much of use. I mean it's not big enough to actually write anything meaningful on, ( maybe you could like write your phone number on it and pass it to the chun looking girls sitting across you at the food court, but then they'll be thinking what a cheapskate you are using THAT piece of paper with Menara Citibank printed on it), so out into the bin it goes.
Anyway, i must say, the chapatti they serve there is pretty decent. I had one chapatti, some potato curryish / dhallish thing, some spicy-ish chicken, and also some lamb kema, which was the pick of the side dishes. And all that for 4 ringgit. CHeap or what? Also they serve some pretty decent teh susu lembu there as well.
Anyway, now thinking of it, let me list down the Indian Food places that i frequent around KL and PJ.
Kanna Curry House at the Rothmans Roundabout PJ. OK, the banana leaf rice here is the BEST i've had so far. I love the veggies that they serve, especially if they serve their spinach fresh and pipping hot. And the fried chicken there is excellent as well. They also serve some pretty decent payasum on fridays as well. I didnt find out about this place until one of my colleagues actually brought me there, and to think i live around that area and didnt know about it. Nowadays, Banana Leaf Rice in PJ, i go to Kanna.
Raju's along Jalan Gasing in PJ. I go to this place for breakfast almost EVERY weekend. My biasa weekend breakfast order there would be two roti canais, ayam goreng, and a teh tarik. The roti canai there is unbelieveable. And also, they serve some damn good red chutney / sambal during the weekends, which is the reason i go to this place during the weekends only. The sambal just has no substitute when i eat it with the roti canai there. There was once, i went during a weekday, and they didnt serve the sambal, the experience just wasn't the same. The drinks there also could do with a little improvement as well.
An-Nuja Curry House - Opposite Pudu Raya station. Special Chicken Briyani. That is the speciality of this place, and it is indeed absolutely special. I eat nothing else at this place. Absolutely mouth-wateringly delicious. The place looks quite cramped and a tad bit run down, but that doesnt stop the crowd from coming here! I usually try and go before the lunch crowd arrives here, or sometimes, after. I've actually seen Karpal Singh eat lunch here as well. Dont know why i am mentioning that, but what the heck.
Sri Paandi PJ Sect 17 - I go to this place quite frequently since its close to my house, and closes later than Kanna (why on earth does this place close sooo early, at 8pm). Banana Leaf Rice is decent. Oh yeah, they serve what i call "Indian Style" potato chips as well, which i end up ordering extra and sometimes just cant stop munching. Went once to the Sri Paandi in Bangsar when it first opened and had a very unpleasant experience. It was like the second day it was opened or something, and the fella took ages to serve us, and when the food finally came, the rice was cold, and the curry was even colder!! Me and my friend quickly refused to eat and walked away. That was the last time i ever went there!! But i guess that would probably be those "glitches" that occur when you first start up. But still, cold rice and curry.. unforgiveable!!
Rasta TTDI - Actually i dont know whether its Indian Food, but this place has the best tasting Garlic Cheese Naan with Tandoori. Also enjoy eating their Kacang Phool there.
OK, now, talking about all this food has made me hungry. I'm sure i've missed out on some places, but these are the main ones that come to mind i guess. Anyway, Gotta make a move now.
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