Friday, November 26, 2010

Picture of the day

All I can say is, damn this woman is cute.

Anyway, haven't really been updating this for quite a while. Been really really busy. With work that is.

Work's been so busy that I haven't had much time to do anything much else.

I do have been able to watch some football though.

It does seem we are finally getting some results here and there.

It's all not looking totally positive, but at least it is getting better.

People have been complaining, but they tend to forget that a couple of months back it was really really bad.

Losing to Northampton and all that rubbish.

But now, other than the absolute dross served at Stoke, we do look pretty mediocre-ishly decent.

And god-damn! Roy play Raul in the middle you basterd. I mean. What the hell?? In the MIDDLE!

Come to think of it, it's almost the end of the year already. Where did the whole year go?

God knows.