Yeah, i know it's been a relatively no-work-ish sort of day in the office, judging by the amount of entries i made today here. Been reading Izham Omar's blog [] and came across this interesting piece. Although he posted it a few weeks back, i just wanted to post it on here as well.
"Are You Katak Bawah Tempurung? (Are You Living In Your Own World?)
Are you katak bawah tempurung? Do you ever wonder why some people don't think the same way as you do? Do you ever wonder why everyone else in the world is strange, and you're not?
Are you katak bawah tempurung? Do you think you're the next Mariah Carey and get shell-shocked when suddenly Paul Moss, Roslan Aziz and Fauziah Latiff says you can't sing at all? Are you actually surprised they think that way?
Are you katak bawah tempurung? Do you think people in other countries should think like you do and have the same values as you do? And if they don't then you should invade their country, turn it upside down and tell them how to run it?
Are you katak bawah tempurung? Are you not finished yet with that great novel or script? Are you thinking that your work of art needs a few more touches still and please won't everyone just leave you alone because you're a genius?
Are you katak bawah tempurung? When you walk around your neighbourhood, do you know all the names of the people you meet? Do you care about who they are and how they feel and what's been going in their lives?
Are you katak bawah tempurung? Do you think you know a lot about something and feel compelled to tell people how to do something even if they didn't request your help? And when you communicate with them, they have only very short answers for you and you never even ask yourself why?
Are you katak bawah tempurung? Do you think that you should be respected and revered just because you've been around the longest? Do you pay little attention the little guy who is just starting out because "he doesn't know shit?"
Are you katak bawah tempurung?
Maybe I am katak bawah tempurung " - Ahmad Izham Omar, 8TV
I must admit, i do sometimes fall into some of the categories above, and i have met a lot of people that fall under most of them above as well. I guess the people that i come across the most are the ones that fall under the last one, where the more senior person would not want to listen to the new guy as he assumes that he "doesn't know shit". Working with several different clients, i have seen MANY corporate cultures where when you first join in, you are labelled as someone who knows jack shit, and should just shut the f*ck up and do what you are told. It is quite difficult going up to senior client staff at the start of a project and getting them to listen to what you have to say, especially when proposing something even remotely different or new.
Actually I am pretty glad that i am working in a firm where most of the people do not have that sort of mind set, where *most* of the higher management are open to suggestions from the people below them during a project. I guess it's just a company culture and the sort of people that we recruit.
ps, i have absolutely no idea who the chick in the picture above is